Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day +488 : Follow Up

I have to write something, Mr Tan said why long time no new from me. I am busy playing Ji Ram Me mahjong during CNY.

Today, I have my monthly follow up at SJMC.

Blood Counts :
Haemoglobin :13.9 ( normal 13.0 to 18.0)
Platelets :216 ( normal 150 - 400)
Total WBC : 8.7 ( Normal 4.0 to 11.0)

The bloods count is all within the specification ( We Engineer, like to talk about spef). But I am suffering from severe cough. Over the last three weeks I have started getting this symptom. I cancelled my plan to have CNY in Triang. The cough really disturbed my rest. I hope it will settle down in next few weeks. Dr Alan said I having the moderate GVHD ( Graft host versus disease), my donor stem cell is attacking my stem cell, and it will burn out eventually, 9 months or more. My next follow up is 1 April

Last week, Lay Hong visited me, bought me a numbers of organic food. She lend me an IPOD to listen a spiritual talk seminar by a Taiwanese doctor. I am half way on it, the talk is quite relevant.

雨过天晴 !


Anthony Tan said...

"spiritual talk" from a Taiwanese Dr?

I wonder who is that and what about.

KC Foo said...

T A,

Dr Hsu ( 许 添 盛)
about how to live better .