Friday, October 15, 2010

Day +714: Yuan Ji Gong Fa (元舞之五春滿人間)

Today, I am fine.

I joined Yuan Ji Gong Fa every Sunday morning. I enjoyed the dancing part, it make you relax and feel good. Recently we have all Selangor members joining to practice Yuan Ji at Sungai Way.

1. 春光燦爛 2.江山多嬌 3.喜樂田園4.水鏡月圓5.雲天紫霞 6.春滿人間
一 雙手擎起 ﹋ 金色太陽 身心沐浴萬道霞光 春風染盡 ﹋ 三千綠﹋ 百花綻開柳相依﹌ 二 山如碧浪 ﹋ 大江去﹋ 水似青天照眼明 ﹌ 風﹋舞松 ﹋ 濤聲自古 千里鶯啼綠映紅﹋ 三 手把秧禾插稻田﹋插稻田 低頭便見水中天 順其自然方成 ﹋稻 退步原來是向前 四 萬頃碧空 ﹋ 明月圓 桃花流水魚兒躍 青箬苙 ﹋ 綠簑衣 和風細雨不思歸 五 輕輕紫霞中 青山丹鼎昇 雲天瑤池淨 瓊蕭飄天風 一去霄漢上 下視望仙宮 芳樹羅仙仗 香隨舞袖飛 六 雙手擎起 ﹋ 金色太陽 身心沐浴萬道霞光 春風吹綠 ﹋ 神州大地 萬紫﹋千紅滿人間

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day +994: 成長片段(爸爸媽媽 - 張棟樑)

Friends, when is your last time calling mum/dad !

Day +711 : Graduation

Jin Hao " Daddy, this is my graduation photo"

Daddy " You are graduated ! , So, when will you get a job"

Jin Hao " job !, what job !, I just 6 "

Daddy " probably 20 years later, my dear"

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day + 731: Follow Up

I am fine today.

Thursday, I was invited to join a discussion session with others lymphoma patient, to share our experience and journey. Hope to learn from other how they tackle some of the problem arise from the treatment. We have three patients in the sharing group. A gentleman aged 45 with 5 kids has gone through 3 round of chemo, remaining 3 more. Lymphoma stage, currently considering bone marrow transplant with own stem self. He has a high spirit which is essential in the fighting cancer.

A grandmother aged 51, diagnosed with lymphoma stage 1 a year ago, her treatment went through smooth. She doesn't even suffer hair dropped. She looks great and cheerful.

A young business woman aged 34, still under treatment for lymphoma stage 1. She is calm in dealing with this and with the support from her husband.

A poem to share:

Don't quit

Don't quit when the tide is lowest

For it's just about to turn

Don't quit over doubts and questions

For these is something you may learn

Don't quit when the night is darkest

For it's just a while till dawn

Don't quit when you've run the farthest

For the race is almost won

Don't quit when the hill is steepest

For your goal is almost nigh

Don't quit for you're not a failure

Until you fail to try




After the sharing session, I went for the monthly check up. The blood counts are normal. Dr Alan said he GVHD is starting burn out, he like to reduce the medication now.

My last 6 months blood counts details.



4 Nov







13.0 – 18.0








150 -140







Total WBC

4.0 – 11.0









Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day +700 : Two years anniversary

Today mark my two years of Bone Marrow transplant. I started the treatment in March 08, and muddling through the process which almost killed me. I have my 39th birthday celebration at Hospital. I remembered saying to my principal doctor, Dr Alan that I hope able to live to watch the London Olympic Games in 2012 as I were watching Beijing Olympic closing ceremony, he said have faith in God. I was hospitalized that day due to fever.

Life is miracle. I was in ICU March 2009 fighting for my life. June 2010 , me and Ah Siew travelled to US, to get my sales award from our CEO.

Thanks to my family, friends and colleagues, for their support and care.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day + 699 - Chicken Pox

My cough is getting heavier and Jin Hao is starting having chicken pox symptoms, I have no choice, but to seek advises from Dr Alan

Dr Alan said my cough getting heavier likely due to infections. In order to protect me from the chicken pox virus, Valtrex – antibiotic was given. Today, I was again on two type of antibiotic, RULID and VALTREX. Last few weeks, My health is reasonable good, just some minor cough.