Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Great DUN Perak fiasco

Attached a YouTube video on our legitimate and lawful Perak Speaker, V. Sivakumar physically dragged out of the Perak State Assembly while still in his Speaker seat. I am really sad about this jungle law undermine our parliamentary democracy

-ec- Says:
it seems not the constitution that determines the legality of the speaker, but the police. shame on bn.
are they going to auction away Siva’s chair?

Siva was drag like a dog out of the assembly! It was a shame and it happen in a state which has a retired Lord President?
It simply hard to believe it but it happen.

sukumaran Says:
If the choice was given back to the rakyat,all this incidents can be avoided.
BN got no B**L’s to face the rakyat.

YM Says:
I always thought Malaysia’s parliament is more civilized than Taiwan’s…
Now I understand why some politicians flew to Taiwan last year - to study their parliament possibly.


Anthony Tan said...

Feel very sad...........cause no one punch the BN cowards like they always did in Taiwan.

PR should send someone to TAiwan to learn that.

KC Foo said...

Teck Ann,

Next time we should elect the boxer ( preferably Asia's champion) to enter the politic, no want will dear to touch him.