Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day +1000: Thankyou

Today marked the 1000th day of my bone marrow transplant.

I would like to thank every one of you who gave me tremendous support in facing this challenging episode of life; my wife, dad and mum, my sisters & brother, relatives, classmates, friends, colleagues. A thousand days only possible with you.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day +998: Miracle in The Andes

I am fine today, despite being annoy by numbness and tinnitus.

This is the second time I have this book.

This review is from: Miracle in the Andes: 72 Days on the Mountain and My Long Trek Home. Piers Paul Read wrote the great book Alive and after an excellent movie it could be thought there was little more left to the actual story. Wrong. Nando Parrado adds much much more to this survival story and doesn't re-tell like Read but lets you know what happened to him and his emotions on the mountain. This is a great companion to the classic book. Most (myself included) wanted to be Nando - he was strong, and saved his friends through unreal internal fortitude - he's a genuine hero. His is one of the most compelling survival stories in recorded history and this is a worthy memoir.

Where Read lets you know what happened Parrado lets you know the why's and how's they survived - the real heart of this story. He let's the reader know in more detail the miserable existence on the mountain. When you read his thought "tears waste salt" it might sound cold hearted but it was the RIGHT thought and you begin to understand his inner strength. His thoughts about his family are touching, his feelings about his great father are insightful - what a fortunate son, what a fortunate father. Without his father the disappearance of the plane would remain a mystery.

In an interview Roberto Canessa once said the survivors know each other better than anyone. I really didn't understand that until reading this book. Parrado also sheds light on some negative depictions of survivors in Read's book and it helps the reader understand their actions. I also enjoyed reading what happened to Parrado after the incident and how the words and behavior of his friends who died on the mountain has influenced him. It took Parrado a long time to realize how inspirational his story is and it's great he's written his story. Make no mistake; this story is not about cannibalism, it is about love, survival and determination. I'm a better person for having read this book.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day +994: Good Doctor

I am fine today. In the last three years, I have consulted many specialist, some of them are good , they listen and care about your progress, even giving you discount.
Some of them just don't have time to listen the details, they are arrogant and inpatient.

Extracted an article from Dr.Hsu, what is good doctor.






























Friday, July 22, 2011

Day +994: A Cancer Survival Story













   並非每次生病,病情都單純;也並非都能遇到良醫,因此如發現病情不進展或有惡化之虞,而醫師並未有滿意的說明或加強治療,則應另找其他醫師尋求所謂「第二意見」(second opinion)。經過多方面的意見加以考慮,誤辦的機會自會減少。

良醫與好病家在一起,共同詳細的討論病情,提出治療的步驟,遇有任何問題,都 能立刻解決,彼此互信互賴,創造美好的醫病關係。

Day +993 : 白果龙眼白木耳汤

阿秀的同学 margaret ( 在网上的食譜之一。 我非常喜喝龙眼汤. 昨天阿秀得意煮了这道饮品 。味道还真不错,喝了三大碗。

From Margaret Blog,

"这种汤在我家可是常常都可以喝到的哦,因爲白木耳是窮人的燕窩,对皮膚和肿部都有滋潤的作用。1朵白木耳 20粒莲子(去心) 5粒紅枣 5粒龙眼 冰糖 水隨意 做法: 把木耳浸软,涨大,剪成小块,用沸水烫过木耳及紅枣,再用slow cooker煮大約一小时,同时把连子放入叧一个pot加水和糖煮至软,当木耳已软化后,加入龙眼,白果及莲子再煮三十分钟,便可享用了"

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day +992: 遺憾

最近在Chee Khoon Blog讀 到一封轉寄郵件,內容是關於臨危病人對人生的五大遺憾。我讀了非常有共鳴,所以希望與大家分享。
其實這是一位照料垂危病人的護士從許多病人的遺言中所整理出來的一則文章 CheeKhoon 把這一則文章的一些摘要列出來。

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day+911 :Lost in Horizon

Today, I am fine.

Stanley have brounght me more books to read, related to travelling and picture book.

I read about a book a day. I like " Lost in Horizon".

The story of a group of people who survive an airplane crash in Tibet and find shelter at a mysterious monastery is extremely well known, but unlike most novels, Lost Horizon is less about its characters and their situation--interesting though those elements may be--than it is about their thoughts and ideas. Written as it was on eve of World War II, these thoughts and ideas center upon developing a way of life that preserves, rather than destroys, that which is finest in both humanity and the world in general.
The novel is elegantly and simply written and possesses tremendous atmosphere. Although enjoyable as a purely "fun" read, it is also thought provoking, and the thoughts it provokes linger long after the book is laid aside. I can not imagine any one not being moved by the book, both emotionally and intellectually, regardless of their background or interests. If such a person exists, I do not think I would care to meet them.

Although James Hilton wrote a number of worthy novels, Lost Horizon is the novel for which he is best remembered, a great popular success when first published and a genuine masterpiece of 20th Century literature.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day +990 : Oxgen concentrator

I am fine.

Yesterday, Teck Ann helped me to return the oxygen concentrator machine to the supplier. I have rented for three months. The rental is about RM300 per month. It help to ease the breathless situation. My current SP02 is 92%, normal >95%.

It delivered continuous flow of process ambient air at various liter per minute with an associated percentage oxygen. Example, at 0 liter per minute (room air ), 21% oxygen. At 3 liter per minute, 33% oxygen.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day +989 : Wisdom

The wise person tends to include people of different ages in their celebrations because that represents the authentic make-up of extended families. It is a great gift o have our parents, grandparents with us to mark significant events in our live.

At age 66, my father finally get the citizenship. He will do his first blue color identity card end of July.

Many find the time to attend funeral but fail to realise that a rose for the living is better than a banquet for the dead. It takes wisdom to waste time with our loved ones while they are still with us.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day +988 : Nerves

Today, I am fine.

Have some articles to share with.
While animals focus on present, only humans sit and worry about what will happen three years from now if I do that or this.
Worry is something we can't help doing. It is part of our nature as a species that thinks and rationalises. Most of us living in the city probably walk around in a state of perpetual nervousness. There are KPI and deadliness to meet, mortgages and bills to pay , the family's security, job security.... the list could go on. Even taking a a vacation can be nerve wracking because halfway through you are wandering if your boss has caught on that you're not quite indispensable.

Henrik Edberg, creator of the Positivity Blog and author of Art of Relaxed Productivity, suggests asking yourself What is the worst that could happen ? How will it affect you in the long run ? In many cases you will find that the answer boils down to "no really that much". It is easy to get too wrapped up in what is about to happen and magnify the event and possible consequences in your mind until it seems like it's a matter of life and death. It seldom is. Asking a few sample questions can put things into a healthier perspective and calm you down.

Just remember, you're your own worst enemy.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day >+980 : Numbness

I have asked Dr Alan recommended a neuro specialist, if he can help to tackle the numbness. Dr Ng , the Neurologist put me on Neurotin and Amitriptyline.
As usual, I check the side effect on these drug on web site.

Neurotin used to relied nerve related pain. It make you drowsy.
Amitriptyline typical used to reduce the depressive symptom. It cause drowsiness and dry mouth. It also used to treat neurological pain.

Yes, it help to reduce the numbness, but the side effect is too much. I have stopped it, probably only use it when the numbness is unbearable.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day >+930 Days : Update

I am not OK.

Besides breathless, I also having great numbness in hand and feet, a sensation feel like needle prick. These numbness is extreme and last hours, and there is no quick solution. It take times for nerves to recover.
My breathing have been improve a lot, I can't even take bath by myself in May due to breathless, Now, I can handle it . We have a night-tea with Teck Ann & wife last Saturday night.