Monday, October 17, 2011

Day +1071 : Frolov's Respiration Training Devices

Last week Lay Hong visited me and brought this devices to me. This devices was bought by Yee Hong, she wanted to send it me many weeks ago. I really appreciate her caring and kindness. Currently , my lung is very weak, a little activities also cause me breathless. I believe more breathing exercises will strengthen my lung.

From the web:

Results of clinical examinations and long-run practical application of the Device indicate that it is a highly efficacious remedy against the diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Regular exercises normalize metabolism, enhance reserve capabilities of the body and have an anti-aging effect.

Studies in children with bronchial asthma and vegetative-vascular dystonia at Roszdrav clinics have shown that the Device has a positive effect not only on ventilation and gas metabolism, but also on the immune system and the functioning of the vegetative nervous system.
As a result of regular respiratory trainings with Frolov’s device functions of different organs and systems are gradually improved:

  • ◦Bronchial conductance, normal ventilation and gas metabolism are recovered.
  • ◦Short breath, coughing and asphyxia disappear, medication intake by patients with chronic respiratory disorders decreases by 60% — 80%.
  • ◦Blood supply to myocardium and brain and the condition of capillary blood circulation gets back to normal.
  • ◦Blood, lymph and spinal fluid circulation improve significantly.
  • ◦Indicators of electrocardiogram, cardiointervalography, renovasography, blood pressure and pulse improve.
  • ◦The condition of the nervous system improves and its tonus normalizes.
  • ◦Regulatory capabilities of the body nervous and humoral systems recover, the amount of oxygen available in the blood rises, hypoxia disappears.
  • ◦Psycho-emotional state improves (mood and work capacity get elevated, sleep gets back to normal and irritability lowers).
  • ◦Cell metabolism and general metabolism improve.
  • ◦Dynamics of humoral immunity becomes positive.
  • ◦Misbalance of serum antibodies and indicators of peripheral blood decrease, local immunity gets back to normal.
  • ◦Adaptive capabilities of the body increase.
  • ◦Aging processes slow down.


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