I was diagnosed with Lymphoma March 2008. After 7 cycles of chemotherapies, the doctor suggested me to do a peripheral blood stem cell transplant (PBSCT) to increase the chances of a permanent cure. I use this blog to account for some of my experiences and my life after the transplant
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Day +1082 :感谢生活的磨砺
所看别人不顺眼,是自己修养不够。 这个我们要领悟。
... 甚至激怒过你的一切不能再激怒你。
... 甚至激怒过你的一切不能再激怒你。
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Day +1079 : Melia - Family Day
Last Sunday, our housing association organised a family day at the park. It is annual event to get people together.
I did take a lot pictures, by the time I wanted to downloading the photo, I just realise the camera is without any memory card. So, I don't have any photo with me.
We invited Puchong State assembly Datuk Satim to attend our party, he announced contribution of RM30K to upgrade our facility. The contribution is considered a lot given the fact that we only have 177 unit house.
The organiser arrange artist to draw potrait for individual, It took him about 5 to 8 minutes to complete a potrait drawing.
I did take a lot pictures, by the time I wanted to downloading the photo, I just realise the camera is without any memory card. So, I don't have any photo with me.
We invited Puchong State assembly Datuk Satim to attend our party, he announced contribution of RM30K to upgrade our facility. The contribution is considered a lot given the fact that we only have 177 unit house.
The organiser arrange artist to draw potrait for individual, It took him about 5 to 8 minutes to complete a potrait drawing.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Day +1078 : Lai Siong - Birthday
Today, after the taiji class, we have birthday celebration for Lai Siong. You can't imagine, we are having steamboat for the breakfast. It take a lot effort to put these thing together in the Park. We have table, chair, portable gas stove....
Everybody is enjoying the party
Sunday, October 23, 2011
印度靈性上師古儒吉:懂得感恩 就會快樂
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Day+1074 :换子疑云 (Changeling)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Day +1073 : JIn Hao unwell
Today, I am OK, but my son Jin Hao is no OK. He is having fever and cough. He has missed the final term exam last two days. Hopefully he can back to school by tomorrow. He prefer to stay at school than at home.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Day +1071 : Frolov's Respiration Training Devices
Last week Lay Hong visited me and brought this devices to me. This devices was bought by Yee Hong, she wanted to send it me many weeks ago. I really appreciate her caring and kindness. Currently , my lung is very weak, a little activities also cause me breathless. I believe more breathing exercises will strengthen my lung.
From the web:
Results of clinical examinations and long-run practical application of the Device indicate that it is a highly efficacious remedy against the diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
Regular exercises normalize metabolism, enhance reserve capabilities of the body and have an anti-aging effect.
Studies in children with bronchial asthma and vegetative-vascular dystonia at Roszdrav clinics have shown that the Device has a positive effect not only on ventilation and gas metabolism, but also on the immune system and the functioning of the vegetative nervous system.
As a result of regular respiratory trainings with Frolov’s device functions of different organs and systems are gradually improved:
From the web:
Results of clinical examinations and long-run practical application of the Device indicate that it is a highly efficacious remedy against the diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
Regular exercises normalize metabolism, enhance reserve capabilities of the body and have an anti-aging effect.
Studies in children with bronchial asthma and vegetative-vascular dystonia at Roszdrav clinics have shown that the Device has a positive effect not only on ventilation and gas metabolism, but also on the immune system and the functioning of the vegetative nervous system.
As a result of regular respiratory trainings with Frolov’s device functions of different organs and systems are gradually improved:
- ◦Bronchial conductance, normal ventilation and gas metabolism are recovered.
- ◦Short breath, coughing and asphyxia disappear, medication intake by patients with chronic respiratory disorders decreases by 60% — 80%.
- ◦Blood supply to myocardium and brain and the condition of capillary blood circulation gets back to normal.
- ◦Blood, lymph and spinal fluid circulation improve significantly.
- ◦Indicators of electrocardiogram, cardiointervalography, renovasography, blood pressure and pulse improve.
- ◦The condition of the nervous system improves and its tonus normalizes.
- ◦Regulatory capabilities of the body nervous and humoral systems recover, the amount of oxygen available in the blood rises, hypoxia disappears.
- ◦Psycho-emotional state improves (mood and work capacity get elevated, sleep gets back to normal and irritability lowers).
- ◦Cell metabolism and general metabolism improve.
- ◦Dynamics of humoral immunity becomes positive.
- ◦Misbalance of serum antibodies and indicators of peripheral blood decrease, local immunity gets back to normal.
- ◦Adaptive capabilities of the body increase.
- ◦Aging processes slow down.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Day +1068: Pot Luck
Every Friday, after the taiji and yuan ji class, we have a pot luck gathering. Today, we have fried rice and white carrot soup from Eve, vege sandwich from Sia, red /green bean kuih from Cindy, fried mee from Yeok, coffee from Ivy, guava from JC and ...... Just too many to name it.
These how I enjoy my early retirement life. Having friends , sharing you joy and sorrow, make your life more fullfillment.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
+Day +1067 : Heart Attack
莪姐 is one of our taiji member in Taman Wawasan, age 70+. She is very active participate the morning class, a very cherish woman. we always have a pot luck gathering on every friday after the taiji, where verybody bring some food to share with.
This morning, I was shock when Ivy told me her husband pass away due to heart attack. I just visited them last Saturday after a Sia's birthday party.
I understand the family did bring their father for treatment , but the doctor said it is just a stomachache.
It's vital that we learn the warning signs of a heart attack. These are:
Surviving a Heart Attack
This morning, I was shock when Ivy told me her husband pass away due to heart attack. I just visited them last Saturday after a Sia's birthday party.
I understand the family did bring their father for treatment , but the doctor said it is just a stomachache.
It's vital that we learn the warning signs of a heart attack. These are:
- Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain.
- Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
- Shortness of breath. Often comes along with chest discomfort. But it also can occur before chest discomfort.
- Other symptoms. May include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or light-headedness.
Surviving a Heart Attack
- How do you survive a heart attack? Fast action is your best weapon against a heart attack. Why? Because clot-busting drugs and other artery-opening treatments can stop a heart attack in its tracks. They can prevent or limit damage to the heart–but they need to be given immediately after symptoms begin. The sooner they are started, the more good they will do–and the greater the chances are for survival and a full recovery. To be most effective, they need to be given ideally within 1 hour of the start of heart attack symptoms.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Day +1062 :懷念 -史蒂夫·乔布斯(1955—2011)
乔布斯的经典语录 关于生活
*** 小时候,我们看着电视,觉得里面藏着什么阴谋。网络让我们噤声。随着年岁渐长,你认识到事实并不是这样。网络是一门生意,人们想要什么,它就能给你什么。那是一种无比让人沮丧的想法。阴谋是乐观的!你可以开枪杀了这个混蛋!我们可以来一场革命!但网络真的一门生意,能给人们他们想要的东西。这就是事实。[《连线》杂志,1996年2月]
*** 我是一个乐观主义者,因为我相信,人是高尚的,是可敬的,其中一些还确实很聪明。我会非常乐观地看待个体——因为作为个体,我们的本性是善良的。而不知为什么,我对于团队的看法要更加悲观。当我看到我们的国家——一个在很多方面都是世界上最幸运的国家——正在发生的事情时,我一直感到非常担心。我们似乎对于为了我们的子孙后代将我们的国家建设得更加美好这样的事情不感兴趣。[《连线》杂志,1996年2月]
*** 你不可能充满预见地将生命中的点点滴滴串联起来。只有在你回头看的时候,你才会发现这些点点滴滴之间的联系。所以,你要坚信,你现在所经历的一切都将或多或少与你的未来产生关联。你必须相信某些东西——你的决心、命运、生活、因缘际会等等。这种信仰从来没有让我感到失望,(相反,)它让我的人生变得与众不同。[2005.7,斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的讲话] 你的工作将会是你生活中很大一部分,唯一能使自己得到真正满足的是,做你认为是伟大的工作。做一份伟大工作的唯一方法是:热爱你所做的工作。如果你还没有找到这样的伟大工作,那就继续寻找吧。不要妥协。[2005.7,斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的讲话]
*** 记住我即将死去是我一生中得到的最重要的工具,它帮助我作出了生命中的重大抉择。因为几乎所有的事情——包括所有的外部期望、所有的荣耀、所有对难堪或失败的恐惧——都会在死亡面前烟消云散,留下的则是真正重要的东西。记住你即将死去是我知道的能让避免陷入你会失去某些东西这一想法的最佳方式。你已经一无所有,那就没有理由不去坚持自己的梦想。[2005.7,斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的讲话]
*** 我认为,如果你做了某件事而成果还不错,那么你应该试着去做其他更好的事情,而不要长时间地沉溺于斯。要搞清楚接下来该做什么。[2006.5,NBC晚间新闻]
*** 最后一件事 没有任何人希望死去,即使人们梦想着能上天堂却依旧没有人真的想这么做。死亡对于我们每一个人来说是终点,没有任何人能够逃脱。事实就是如此。因为死亡可能是生命最棒的发明,它是生命的调节剂,旧的不去新的不来,现在的你光鲜亮丽充满活力抱负,可是假以时日,你将逐渐老去。抱歉这充满了戏剧性,但它就是这样。 你的时间是有限的,所以不要浪费时间活在别人的生命里,不要迷信教条--那意味着你将活在其他人的想法里。不要让他人的意见的噪音淹没你的内心。最重要的是,永远要有勇气去跟随你心与直觉,只有它们才能知道你真正想要的是什么。其他一切都是次要的。[2005.7,斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的讲话]
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Day +1061 : self worth
A feeling of self worth is an important part of being able to relaxed properly. If we are not really sure of our own identity, it cause conflict that will soon spill over into every area of our lives. Learning to accept yourself for who you are will give you a wonderful feeling of inner peace. When you avoid giving negative opinions of yourself to others or even just to yourself, they will soon begin to feel a change. Learning to write and say your own affirmation each day will quickly boost your feelings at self worth and motivate positive change in your life. This is part of things I learn during the basic course by Art Of Living.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Day +1060 : Relaxed
Life can be very stressful, and to deal with it effectively on a day to day basic, we need to know how to relax at the right time and allow our worries to drift away. Relaxation is always allows us o bring thing back into perspective and bestows the welcome gift of peace to trouble mind. if you can not relax, the stress quickly build up until it becomes unbearable. Unlucky, being able to relax when we need to is not is gift that comes naturally to many of us. It is something that we need to learn.To be totally relaxed , we need to be able to let go in mind, body and spirit. The way we breathe is one of the most powerful tools we have to calm both mind and body. If you can learn to breathe slowly and rhythmically, really focus on each breath, you will soon find the tension begins to flow away. This is the experience I have learn in meditation.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Day +1050 :房價
Lim Seng Chew 2011年9月23日星期五 大馬經濟會被房產泡沫拉入痛苦的深淵 下面的數據採自《資匯》轉載自大馬統計局和產業服務與估計局。
吉隆坡房價是RM448750,人均GDP收入是RM51197,房價是收入的8.76倍。 雪蘭莪房價是RM318909,人均GDP收入是RM14830,房價是收入的21.50倍。 砂拉越房價是RM262155,人均GDP收入是RM30318,房價是收入的8.64倍。 檳城房價是RM213172,人均GDP收入是RM29569,房價是收入的7.20倍。
登嘉樓房價是RM145715,人均GDP收入是RM16994,房價是收入的8.57倍。 柔佛房價是RM141448,人均GDP收入是RM18458,房價是收入的7.66倍。
森美蘭房價是RM131689,人均GDP收入是RM23600,房價是收入的5.58倍。 吉蘭丹房價是RM131689,人均GDP收入是RM7585,房價是收入的17.36倍。 馬六甲房價是RM129332,人均GDP收入是RM22761,房價是收入的5.68倍。 吉打房價是RM128054,人均GDP收入是RM12630,房價是收入的10.13倍。
正常情況下,房價不應該超過收入的6倍,可馬來西亞幾乎都超過此數。 尤其要注意一點,就是大馬人民年收入比人均GDP收入的數據還要低,所以倍數差距更大,特別是吧生谷一帶,房價泡沫尤其嚴重。 大馬政府長年用低利率刺激房價上漲,促進表面繁榮,但人民越來越窮,而這虛假的榮景也會隨著房地產泡沫破裂而結束,大馬經濟會被房產泡沫拉入痛苦的深淵。..
吉隆坡房價是RM448750,人均GDP收入是RM51197,房價是收入的8.76倍。 雪蘭莪房價是RM318909,人均GDP收入是RM14830,房價是收入的21.50倍。 砂拉越房價是RM262155,人均GDP收入是RM30318,房價是收入的8.64倍。 檳城房價是RM213172,人均GDP收入是RM29569,房價是收入的7.20倍。
登嘉樓房價是RM145715,人均GDP收入是RM16994,房價是收入的8.57倍。 柔佛房價是RM141448,人均GDP收入是RM18458,房價是收入的7.66倍。
森美蘭房價是RM131689,人均GDP收入是RM23600,房價是收入的5.58倍。 吉蘭丹房價是RM131689,人均GDP收入是RM7585,房價是收入的17.36倍。 馬六甲房價是RM129332,人均GDP收入是RM22761,房價是收入的5.68倍。 吉打房價是RM128054,人均GDP收入是RM12630,房價是收入的10.13倍。
正常情況下,房價不應該超過收入的6倍,可馬來西亞幾乎都超過此數。 尤其要注意一點,就是大馬人民年收入比人均GDP收入的數據還要低,所以倍數差距更大,特別是吧生谷一帶,房價泡沫尤其嚴重。 大馬政府長年用低利率刺激房價上漲,促進表面繁榮,但人民越來越窮,而這虛假的榮景也會隨著房地產泡沫破裂而結束,大馬經濟會被房產泡沫拉入痛苦的深淵。..
Monday, September 19, 2011
Two weeks ago, I was attending a six days course on meditation. Like to thanks Susan Ng, Irene Lim , our class teacher for their caring and sharing. During the course, we learn breathing technique to eliminate stress, ancient wisdom for better living
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Day +1030 : Art of Living
Today , I am fine.
Lay Hong have recommended me to visit the website of the Art of Living.
One of the course is improving our breathing technique, I have registered to participate the 6 days course. 7:30pm to 10:30pm for first 5 days, and 2pm to 7pm at Saturday and 9am to 5pm Sunday.
via specific natural rhythms of the breath which harmonize the body, mind and emotions. This unique breathing technique eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression, leaving you calm yet energized, focused yet relaxed.
I have attended 2 days course, and found it quite useful to enhance my breathing capacity.
Lay Hong have recommended me to visit the website of the Art of Living.
One of the course is improving our breathing technique, I have registered to participate the 6 days course. 7:30pm to 10:30pm for first 5 days, and 2pm to 7pm at Saturday and 9am to 5pm Sunday.
via specific natural rhythms of the breath which harmonize the body, mind and emotions. This unique breathing technique eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression, leaving you calm yet energized, focused yet relaxed.
I have attended 2 days course, and found it quite useful to enhance my breathing capacity.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Day +1007 : Follow Up
Today, I have a follow up at IPR ( Institute Perubatan Respiratori) - Institute Medical of Respiratory.
The follow up is about once a month. This is my third time appointment, however I still don't have chanced to meet with my principal Doctor. Each time, I have different doctor seeing me, and they just fill up the progress report without exam you in details.
Today, the culture results also confirm I have Non-TB micro bacteria. I have the similar test conducted at Sunway in Feb 2011.
The follow up is about once a month. This is my third time appointment, however I still don't have chanced to meet with my principal Doctor. Each time, I have different doctor seeing me, and they just fill up the progress report without exam you in details.
Today, the culture results also confirm I have Non-TB micro bacteria. I have the similar test conducted at Sunway in Feb 2011.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Day +1006 : Dog - Pomeranian
My neighbour Mr Wong bought a Pomeranian dog, named MayLuck. I just recalled Thailand first women Prime Minister, also have LUCK in her name, INGLUCK. Me and Xinyi enjoy playing with the the dog. 
From WIKI,
"Pomeranians are typically a very friendly and lively breed of dog. They love to be around their owners and are known to be protective of them.[9] They bond quickly with their owners, and can suffer from separation anxiety if not trained to spend time alone.[10] Pomeranians are alert and aware of changes in their environment and barking at new stimuli can develop into a habit of barking excessively in any situation. They are somewhat defensive of their territory and will thus bark when they encounter any outside noises.[10] Pomeranians are intelligent dogs, respond well to training, and can be very successful in getting what they want from their owners.[9]"

From WIKI,
"Pomeranians are typically a very friendly and lively breed of dog. They love to be around their owners and are known to be protective of them.[9] They bond quickly with their owners, and can suffer from separation anxiety if not trained to spend time alone.[10] Pomeranians are alert and aware of changes in their environment and barking at new stimuli can develop into a habit of barking excessively in any situation. They are somewhat defensive of their territory and will thus bark when they encounter any outside noises.[10] Pomeranians are intelligent dogs, respond well to training, and can be very successful in getting what they want from their owners.[9]"
Monday, August 1, 2011
Day +1004 : Piano test
I am fine.
Yesterday, Stanley brought me few more books to read. I just completed a book about cycling round the Taiwan island. Now, reading a new book about a man with his dog.
Today, my daugther Xin Yi is sitting her Grade 3 , piano practical test at Hilton Hotel. The exam last for about 12 minutes. She said not doing that well this time. I comforted her that things may not be that worse as she think.
Coincident my U mate, Tew - land surveyor also bringing his daughter to do sit for the piano test as well. Tew is staying in Puchong Hartamas, just next to Bandar Puteri.
Last week, Ivy told me, Mr & Mrs Chin were hit by a motorbike. Mr Chin survive with bruises, but Mrs Chin don't. They were walking to attend the Tai Zi class at Taman Wawasan, the motorbike who is newspaper delivery man, hit them in the middle, Mrs Chin suffered serious internal bleeding. We have celebrated Mrs Chin birthday last year, we are the Yuangji members. I feel sorrow for Mr Chin losing his partner, they are such a loving retired couple. There is nothing in the world can be impacted so much than losing a love one.
Yesterday, Stanley brought me few more books to read. I just completed a book about cycling round the Taiwan island. Now, reading a new book about a man with his dog.
Today, my daugther Xin Yi is sitting her Grade 3 , piano practical test at Hilton Hotel. The exam last for about 12 minutes. She said not doing that well this time. I comforted her that things may not be that worse as she think.
Coincident my U mate, Tew - land surveyor also bringing his daughter to do sit for the piano test as well. Tew is staying in Puchong Hartamas, just next to Bandar Puteri.
Last week, Ivy told me, Mr & Mrs Chin were hit by a motorbike. Mr Chin survive with bruises, but Mrs Chin don't. They were walking to attend the Tai Zi class at Taman Wawasan, the motorbike who is newspaper delivery man, hit them in the middle, Mrs Chin suffered serious internal bleeding. We have celebrated Mrs Chin birthday last year, we are the Yuangji members. I feel sorrow for Mr Chin losing his partner, they are such a loving retired couple. There is nothing in the world can be impacted so much than losing a love one.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Day +1000: Thankyou
Today marked the 1000th day of my bone marrow transplant.
I would like to thank every one of you who gave me tremendous support in facing this challenging episode of life; my wife, dad and mum, my sisters & brother, relatives, classmates, friends, colleagues. A thousand days only possible with you.
I would like to thank every one of you who gave me tremendous support in facing this challenging episode of life; my wife, dad and mum, my sisters & brother, relatives, classmates, friends, colleagues. A thousand days only possible with you.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Day +998: Miracle in The Andes

I am fine today, despite being annoy by numbness and tinnitus.
This is the second time I have this book.
This review is from: Miracle in the Andes: 72 Days on the Mountain and My Long Trek Home. Piers Paul Read wrote the great book Alive and after an excellent movie it could be thought there was little more left to the actual story. Wrong. Nando Parrado adds much much more to this survival story and doesn't re-tell like Read but lets you know what happened to him and his emotions on the mountain. This is a great companion to the classic book. Most (myself included) wanted to be Nando - he was strong, and saved his friends through unreal internal fortitude - he's a genuine hero. His is one of the most compelling survival stories in recorded history and this is a worthy memoir.
Where Read lets you know what happened Parrado lets you know the why's and how's they survived - the real heart of this story. He let's the reader know in more detail the miserable existence on the mountain. When you read his thought "tears waste salt" it might sound cold hearted but it was the RIGHT thought and you begin to understand his inner strength. His thoughts about his family are touching, his feelings about his great father are insightful - what a fortunate son, what a fortunate father. Without his father the disappearance of the plane would remain a mystery.
In an interview Roberto Canessa once said the survivors know each other better than anyone. I really didn't understand that until reading this book. Parrado also sheds light on some negative depictions of survivors in Read's book and it helps the reader understand their actions. I also enjoyed reading what happened to Parrado after the incident and how the words and behavior of his friends who died on the mountain has influenced him. It took Parrado a long time to realize how inspirational his story is and it's great he's written his story. Make no mistake; this story is not about cannibalism, it is about love, survival and determination. I'm a better person for having read this book.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Day +994: Good Doctor
I am fine today. In the last three years, I have consulted many specialist, some of them are good , they listen and care about your progress, even giving you discount.
Some of them just don't have time to listen the details, they are arrogant and inpatient.
Extracted an article from Dr.Hsu, what is good doctor.
Some of them just don't have time to listen the details, they are arrogant and inpatient.
Extracted an article from Dr.Hsu, what is good doctor.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Day +994: A Cancer Survival Story

From http://www.nsshu.com/
並非每次生病,病情都單純;也並非都能遇到良醫,因此如發現病情不進展或有惡化之虞,而醫師並未有滿意的說明或加強治療,則應另找其他醫師尋求所謂「第二意見」(second opinion)。經過多方面的意見加以考慮,誤辦的機會自會減少。
良醫與好病家在一起,共同詳細的討論病情,提出治療的步驟,遇有任何問題,都 能立刻解決,彼此互信互賴,創造美好的醫病關係。
Day +993 : 白果龙眼白木耳汤
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Day +992: 遺憾
最近在Chee Khoon Blog讀 到一封轉寄郵件,內容是關於臨危病人對人生的五大遺憾。我讀了非常有共鳴,所以希望與大家分享。
其實這是一位照料垂危病人的護士從許多病人的遺言中所整理出來的一則文章 CheeKhoon 把這一則文章的一些摘要列出來。
其實這是一位照料垂危病人的護士從許多病人的遺言中所整理出來的一則文章 CheeKhoon 把這一則文章的一些摘要列出來。
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Day+911 :Lost in Horizon

Today, I am fine.
Stanley have brounght me more books to read, related to travelling and picture book.
I read about a book a day. I like " Lost in Horizon".
The story of a group of people who survive an airplane crash in Tibet and find shelter at a mysterious monastery is extremely well known, but unlike most novels, Lost Horizon is less about its characters and their situation--interesting though those elements may be--than it is about their thoughts and ideas. Written as it was on eve of World War II, these thoughts and ideas center upon developing a way of life that preserves, rather than destroys, that which is finest in both humanity and the world in general.
The novel is elegantly and simply written and possesses tremendous atmosphere. Although enjoyable as a purely "fun" read, it is also thought provoking, and the thoughts it provokes linger long after the book is laid aside. I can not imagine any one not being moved by the book, both emotionally and intellectually, regardless of their background or interests. If such a person exists, I do not think I would care to meet them.
Although James Hilton wrote a number of worthy novels, Lost Horizon is the novel for which he is best remembered, a great popular success when first published and a genuine masterpiece of 20th Century literature.
The novel is elegantly and simply written and possesses tremendous atmosphere. Although enjoyable as a purely "fun" read, it is also thought provoking, and the thoughts it provokes linger long after the book is laid aside. I can not imagine any one not being moved by the book, both emotionally and intellectually, regardless of their background or interests. If such a person exists, I do not think I would care to meet them.
Although James Hilton wrote a number of worthy novels, Lost Horizon is the novel for which he is best remembered, a great popular success when first published and a genuine masterpiece of 20th Century literature.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Day +990 : Oxgen concentrator

I am fine.
Yesterday, Teck Ann helped me to return the oxygen concentrator machine to the supplier. I have rented for three months. The rental is about RM300 per month. It help to ease the breathless situation. My current SP02 is 92%, normal >95%.
It delivered continuous flow of process ambient air at various liter per minute with an associated percentage oxygen. Example, at 0 liter per minute (room air ), 21% oxygen. At 3 liter per minute, 33% oxygen.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Day +989 : Wisdom
The wise person tends to include people of different ages in their celebrations because that represents the authentic make-up of extended families. It is a great gift o have our parents, grandparents with us to mark significant events in our live.
At age 66, my father finally get the citizenship. He will do his first blue color identity card end of July.
Many find the time to attend funeral but fail to realise that a rose for the living is better than a banquet for the dead. It takes wisdom to waste time with our loved ones while they are still with us.
At age 66, my father finally get the citizenship. He will do his first blue color identity card end of July.
Many find the time to attend funeral but fail to realise that a rose for the living is better than a banquet for the dead. It takes wisdom to waste time with our loved ones while they are still with us.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Day +988 : Nerves
Today, I am fine.
Have some articles to share with.
While animals focus on present, only humans sit and worry about what will happen three years from now if I do that or this.
Worry is something we can't help doing. It is part of our nature as a species that thinks and rationalises. Most of us living in the city probably walk around in a state of perpetual nervousness. There are KPI and deadliness to meet, mortgages and bills to pay , the family's security, job security.... the list could go on. Even taking a a vacation can be nerve wracking because halfway through you are wandering if your boss has caught on that you're not quite indispensable.
Henrik Edberg, creator of the Positivity Blog and author of Art of Relaxed Productivity, suggests asking yourself What is the worst that could happen ? How will it affect you in the long run ? In many cases you will find that the answer boils down to "no really that much". It is easy to get too wrapped up in what is about to happen and magnify the event and possible consequences in your mind until it seems like it's a matter of life and death. It seldom is. Asking a few sample questions can put things into a healthier perspective and calm you down.
Just remember, you're your own worst enemy.
Have some articles to share with.
While animals focus on present, only humans sit and worry about what will happen three years from now if I do that or this.
Worry is something we can't help doing. It is part of our nature as a species that thinks and rationalises. Most of us living in the city probably walk around in a state of perpetual nervousness. There are KPI and deadliness to meet, mortgages and bills to pay , the family's security, job security.... the list could go on. Even taking a a vacation can be nerve wracking because halfway through you are wandering if your boss has caught on that you're not quite indispensable.
Henrik Edberg, creator of the Positivity Blog and author of Art of Relaxed Productivity, suggests asking yourself What is the worst that could happen ? How will it affect you in the long run ? In many cases you will find that the answer boils down to "no really that much". It is easy to get too wrapped up in what is about to happen and magnify the event and possible consequences in your mind until it seems like it's a matter of life and death. It seldom is. Asking a few sample questions can put things into a healthier perspective and calm you down.
Just remember, you're your own worst enemy.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Day >+980 : Numbness
I have asked Dr Alan recommended a neuro specialist, if he can help to tackle the numbness. Dr Ng , the Neurologist put me on Neurotin and Amitriptyline.
As usual, I check the side effect on these drug on web site.
Neurotin used to relied nerve related pain. It make you drowsy.
Amitriptyline typical used to reduce the depressive symptom. It cause drowsiness and dry mouth. It also used to treat neurological pain.
Yes, it help to reduce the numbness, but the side effect is too much. I have stopped it, probably only use it when the numbness is unbearable.
As usual, I check the side effect on these drug on web site.
Neurotin used to relied nerve related pain. It make you drowsy.
Amitriptyline typical used to reduce the depressive symptom. It cause drowsiness and dry mouth. It also used to treat neurological pain.
Yes, it help to reduce the numbness, but the side effect is too much. I have stopped it, probably only use it when the numbness is unbearable.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Day >+930 Days : Update
I am not OK.
Besides breathless, I also having great numbness in hand and feet, a sensation feel like needle prick. These numbness is extreme and last hours, and there is no quick solution. It take times for nerves to recover.
My breathing have been improve a lot, I can't even take bath by myself in May due to breathless, Now, I can handle it . We have a night-tea with Teck Ann & wife last Saturday night.
Besides breathless, I also having great numbness in hand and feet, a sensation feel like needle prick. These numbness is extreme and last hours, and there is no quick solution. It take times for nerves to recover.
My breathing have been improve a lot, I can't even take bath by myself in May due to breathless, Now, I can handle it . We have a night-tea with Teck Ann & wife last Saturday night.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Day +915 : Breathless
I have been admitted to IPR ( Institute Prubatan Respirotori) - Institute Medicine Respiratory since 18 May , to treat my breathless issue. I just conducted the brocholities scoping to determine what are the major infectious cause. Doctor said it take 4 to 6 week go get the final results. I really hope they able to find out the reason, it is tough to suffer from breathless.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Day +861 : Pot luck march 2011

We have pot luck party at Fong Ming house last week. We are having the steamboat party. Teck Ann brought us fried mee hoon and curry chicken. We just can't finished the food.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Day +800: Singapore Sentosa Resort Visit

I am fine today.
Our Singapore trip , main destiny is Genting Sentosa Resort. We spent a day at the resort.
I have book the tickets to Universal Studio on line, a week before the trip. On that day, there are no more ticket available as they limit number of visitors into the Studio.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day +800 - UK Farm ( Kluang) Visit

I am fine. Today marked 800 days since my transplant. I have a week holiday last month. But I also hospitalised for 5 days to treat my lung infections after the holiday. Now, everything is back to normal.
We visited UK Farm on 18 Dec 2010, the farm is about 70 football size. They only have only goats and few ostriches. Visitors are given the chance to experience to be farmer.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
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