Tuesday, December 2, 2008

+Day31 Blood Count

I am fine today, I did the blood count and bone narrow biopsy yesterday
Blood Count on 1 Dec 2008 : - Readings in square bracket [] are result from previous test.
Red Blood Count (HB) = 11.9[11.1] (Normal 13-18)
Platelet = 117[110] (Normal 150-450)
White Blood Count (WBC) = 6.8[5.1] (Normal 4 - 11)

All HB, platelet and white blood count readings steady increase, it is a good signs. The biopsy will confirm if any disease still present. The next visit will be coming Thursday. My current visit is twice per week. Patients post allogenic transplant tend to closer follow up for fear of GVHD ( Graft host versus disease). Transplant related mortality pose the greatest risk in first year transplant year .
The Malaysia National Transplant Registry 2006 show the major death cause continued to be relapse/underlying disease (44%) with sepsis(32%) being the second commonest cause of death. Surprisingly veno-occlusive diseaseof the liver contributed to 12% of deaths while graft-versus-host disease became thefourth most common cause of death (8%) - Transplant Outcomes
At the time of the third report (2006), a cumulative total of 1174 transplants had beenconducted by transplant centres in the country. The number of transplants recorded in2006, 124, saw a slight decrease over the previous year’s total of 147. In 2006, AmpangPuteri Specialist Hospital began transplantation services to add to the number oftransplant centres. Meanwhile Hospital Kuala Lumpur (adult transplants) moved to anew premise in Hospital Ampang


hackedagain said...

Dr. Foo! Good day today! Good day.

Unknown said...

You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you...
It's really true from one sense that, the determination would determine what is the next or even getting the outcome turned the other way round entirely.
Have not seen you for almost 2 years already, my friend. I'm still "floating" at Shanghai, will be back for upcoming CNY. See you by then!

KC Foo said...


Your wife had brough me some books, I am enjoying reading the : Angel and Demons", See U soon.